Hand Me the Gun and Ask Me Again

gun store etiquette

We went effectually the virtual table this weekend at TTAG HQ as nosotros discussed the works of Sartre, Dickinson and Emily Post over some brown spirits and cigars and i thing that came upward that nosotros idea would be a great article would be proper etiquette in a gun store.

Of course, every store is going to vary slightly but the human status is the aforementioned in all fifty states and I've seen my fair share of not bad customers and not-and so-not bad ones so at that place's plenty of material to work with.

Permit's showtime with the basics. The NRA has three bones firearm rules, and you lot have to break ii of them for something bad to happen. And if y'all follow #1, any damage you do by violating #ii or #three would be minimized.

  • Always continue the gun pointed in a safe direction.
  • ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until set up to shoot.
  • ALWAYS proceed the gun unloaded until gear up to employ.

Seems pretty simple, but the problem is some folks, especially those newer to the gun culture, seem intent on pointing a gun at the closest thing possible – which is usually the person behind the counter.

You may know that a gun is unloaded, but no one likes to me muzzled. Delight be aware of where you're pointing that pistol you're property…for everyone's rubber and comfort.

DO: Follow the NRA's iii rules and don't point a gun at the assist or anyone else in the store. Yes, we clear them before we hand them over to you, merely still, it's a bad habit.

DON'T: Moving ridge the a gun around that you're examining, lasering people around yous in the gun shop.

Depending on where you are, firearm thefts from gun stores tin can be a very existent thing. For that reason, some retailers have a policy that only a single gun comes out of the instance to exist displayed at whatever 1 time to forestall thefts. This can brand things a little hard if you're comparison things side-by-side, simply information technology's usually for the all-time.

Timing is supposed to be everything, and that means, during certain times of the year (Christmas, Hunting Season, Fathers Day, etc.) nosotros become really decorated. We actually do want to give you as much attention as possible and a skillful experience. Nosotros don't want y'all to accept to wait for a half hr or more for service.


Practise: Attempt to plan your purchases around the near hectic times and go them washed well in advance or later they're over.

DON'T: Bear witness upward in the middle of a holiday shopping frenzy expecting to get a gun and get out of the store in 15 minutes.

Also worthy of note: We know everyone wants to go habitation after work. Lots of customers want to selection upwardly their guns between the hours of 5:30 and 6:00 PM, nigh the time many dealers shut.

That presents a few issues, because if you're in a state with a high regulatory burden, getting all the paperwork completed and airtight out in 30 minutes might not be possible.

DO: Plan ahead, let plenty time, and take whatever mandatory waiting periods into account.

DON'T: Walk into a gun store five minutes earlier endmost time and make your gun store employees work late. That'due south non very nice.

On the topic of nice, there's a right way to exercise things and a incorrect way to do things regarding price and discounts when you're navigating a brick and mortar store vs. the cyberspace world. Cost is a business organization for anybody. You piece of work hard for your money, and then you should spend it wisely.

I've had some really great people ask for a disbelieve and some really rude people ask for them, besides. There are a few notable stories that I recall and this one is my favorite.

One day a woman walked in and wanted to become her husband a gun. It was going to exist a nowadays for their ceremony.

Now, we as licensees, accept been asked by ATF to monitor diversionary tactics, straw purchases, etc. So when we're satisfied that a gun is being purchased as a present and it's lawful, we're in the articulate. When nosotros're thinking that a gun is beingness purchased by party B because party A can't get by the Gun Command Act of 1968, that'south a different word.

This customer was on a budget and wanted to get him a gun, holster, some ammo and some range time. Her text messages back and forth from her husband dropping hints gave u.s.a. enough to piece of work with, but everything she wanted to purchase came up to near $1150. Her upkeep was only virtually $1000.

I told her we could play with the ammo and the holster and try to save a few bucks, and if she could pay with cash or cheque that would save usa the interchange fees from the merchant processor. This got united states of america downward to about $1065, merely that was withal a little more than she wanted to pay.

I did some calculations.

A: I don't make coin when I sell someone one gun. I make coin when I sell someone a lifetime of guns.

B: The woman was buying her husband a gun as a present. The guy had won the married woman lottery! Who am I to stand up in the way of a beautiful affair?

C: If it feels good, it will be repeated. Adolescence taught united states all that. Working with customers breeds loyalty.

Getting her on budget wouldn't break my bottom line and then I made a bargain and got the transaction done. She was very satisfied most getting the parcel put together. A few weeks subsequently, I got a very nice message on the machine from her husband and he was very happy that we treated her right and he enjoyed his new gun.

I'thou not suggesting that you lot flirt with the gun dealer if you lot're a adult female, just we're more inclined to discount if we know you're looking to do something special for an important occasion. If we were on the other end, we'd like that sort of gesture, too!

DO: Be polite and articulate most your goals/budget. If the shop does you a favor, try to repay them in the futurity with referrals and time to come business. I'm happy to practise things when I can if information technology'due south workable and you get in easy.

DON'T: Exist the guy that hikes up his pants and says, "I can get this from Eyes Planet for $125 less, but they don't have any in stock." That'southward when I will shoot right back with, "Well then, information technology sounds like you can't get information technology from Optics Planet then, can you lot?"

Final but not least, brand sure your life is together before you come in and want to buy a gun. If y'all have pending legal issues or suspect y'all might run into a groundwork bank check approval problem, talk to your dealer earlier you fill out whatsoever paperwork so we tin run across what's what.

If you fill out form 4473 and you make a faux statement, we are required by constabulary to retain that form – and the government has the option to apply that against you.

Do: Be honest with the dealer and tell them what's going on and what any potential issues are Earlier putting pen to newspaper.

DON'T: Call back yous tin fool the computer. I have had the local LE agency call me and tell me to stall for time considering they were sending a unit over to abort the person on the other side of the counter for beingness a bedevilled felon trying to purchase a gun.

Being polite, reasonable and having a current photo ID can make our lives as regulated retailers a lot easier. Not only is it easier for united states of america, but y'all'll have a better experience if you're in a pleasant mood, too.

I last affair – we opened the discussion talking about muzzle subject and keeping firearms pointed in safe direction. Keep magazine discipline in listen too. Ejecting steel mags with steel base plates without regard to the management that they'll fly can mar the end of some of the other guns on the counter.

DO: Exist enlightened of the muzzle of the gun you're holding and the path the magazines volition take when you eject one. Please try to not let them hit the floor.

DON'T: Eject a steel mag with a steel base pad straight onto the slide of that new Wilson Supergrade that's in front of you, too.

Please. And thank you.


Source: https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/gun-store-etiquette-a-few-dos-and-donts-from-a-gun-dealer/

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