Dorian Pavus/iron Bull Warm the Soup Up Again

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"Another round!" Iron Balderdash held up his mug to the bartender. This evening they were jubilant. They had taken out a large base of operations held by the Red Templars on the tempest coast and captured ane of their commanders. "I don't remember I've e'er seen you drunk, Lavellan!" Sera proclaimed, watching the blonde elf chug down the rest of his mug. "Yes! Another round!" He cheered slamming down his mug. "Whatdidya say Sera?" He slurred. Sera snorted and laughed heartedly, followed by the booming laughter of Iron Bull, Cullen, and Varric. "What's wrong, Dorian?" Balderdash asked, nudging the Tevinter with his shoulder. "You're unremarkably three or more mugs downwardly by now. Cut back are we?" Atomic number 26 Bull looked at him and blinked his single eye. Dorian wondered if that was supposed to be a wink. He chuckled. "I'grand simply watching my girlish figure, Bull, you know me." "Are you certain you lot're not just afraid of being drunk effectually the inquisitor?" "Bull!" "It's fine, look at him, he doesn't hear a word we're proverb." Bull gestured at the elf, who currently seemed to exist telling a very passionate story to Sera and Varric about the time he picked a lock, all by himself. The mage chuckled "you have a point- he's quite a lively drunk isn't he." "Aye, he is, so are you, y'all should be having fun." "Balderdash...there'south plenty of reasons why you're wrong." "Oh yeah? Name one." "....." "You're afraid he'll pass up or regret you." "Bull..." "Dorian, you may exist a Tevinter, but you're a great human. I've seen the way Lavellan looks at you- take you non? Are you blind?" Dorian looked away, his cheeks hot crimson. Then he looked back at the elf who was laughing- a very hearty, contagious laugh. His pilus was down as well, he never knew Lavellan's pilus was so long... "How could anyone regret me?" Dorian scoffed. Acting tough and playing it off. Bull chuckled. XXXXXXXXXXXX "And so what wassit??" Lavellan asked Varric eagerly. Sera looked betwixt the two of them. "Clearly I've missed something, what was what?" She said, confused. The dwarf rubbed his face with his large, crude hands. "It was an amulet. He sold it when he commencement left Tevinter- it represented his family. Pappus, or whatever." "Who sold what?" Sera asked, offended. "Pavus." The drunk elf corrected the dwarf. "It's his family business firm, it is named Pavus." Varric laughed. "That'south not how that works!" "Bloody hell!" Sera snapped. "Could one of you 2 idiots answer me?" The two men jumped and looked at the petite elf, their drunk eyes wide. "Dorian sold a priceless family heirloom out of spite for a few coins to a merchant when he offset left Tevinter. Now he wants information technology back." Varric explained before taking a long swig of ale. "Well, what'd he become and do that for!" Sera proclaimed. "I'm gonna detect it." The elf stated matter of factly, with a smile. The dwarf most spit out his ale. "You? What for? Any ulterior motives?" He asked the elf, raising a brow. Lavellan grinned and shrugged. "What are friends for?" Sera stared at him difficult, as if trying to solve him. "And then you lot, the Inquisitor, are going to help him, a Tevinter, to get his fancy Tevinter jewelry back, to show off his fancy Tevinter family unit name. Because you're....friends." She glared. "Shh. Yes." Lavellan hushed, looking over towards the mage- who sat on the other side of the tabular array deep in chat with Bull. "Hahaha! This ale must exist stronger than I idea, Varric." Sera snorted loudly. XXXXXXXXXX The dark grew darker, the bard had stopped playing and gone to bed, and everyone was turning in for the night. Atomic number 26 Bull left to walk Sera to her room, and Varric and Cullen went their ways. Now it was just the Tevinter and the Dalish elf. Information technology was almost like they devised a plan to get up and exit together, Dorian thought to himself. "Allow's become you back to your quarters, shall we?" Dorian asked, standing upwardly and offering Lavellan a hand. "Yous know, foorr a Tevinter, you're quite the gentlemen." The elf drunkenly laughed, taking Dorian'due south hand. Not that he would know. He grew up in a association of Dalish elves, far from man and far from the Tevinter. He just knew what everyone thought of them. "Actually, most of the men in Tevinter are quite gentlemanly I'll take you know. But you, you lot can't hold your ale. At to the lowest degree Tevinter men can do that." Dorian chuckled as Lavellan stumbled from his seat. "Here." He said, standing beside the elf and helping him stand with an arm around his lower dorsum. The elf put his arm over Dorian's shoulders, and they made their style out the tavern and through the courtyard. Lavellan'due south quarters were the biggest in Skyhold, information technology was a gift from the fellow members of the inquisition. Much like the residuum of the concur, the ceiling was loftier enough to firm giants. A fireplace crackled at the far side of the room, between two giant drinking glass doors that lead to balconies overlooking the mountains. A desk and large bookcase sat in forepart of the stairway into the room, and a big bed covered in various fur blankets was in the center of it, aligned with the fireplace. "How is it your quarters are the furthest they tin can perhaps be from the tavern?" Dorian panted, helping Lavellan over to his bed afterwards iv flights of stone stairways. The elf laughed, falling onto the bed and stretching out. Dorian's eyes cruel to the elf's exposed abdomen before he speedily looked away. He wasn't usually this blazon. Dorsum in Tevinter well-nigh of his affairs involved very drunken nights, mind yous- he never looked upon them the way he looked upon the inquisitor. "Look at that, we've already got water here for you," Dorian said, trying to distract himself as he stood beside the elf'due south bed. "You better drinkable some, or tomorrow you lot'll wish that you lot had." "Mmmm" the elf grunted, his face twisting, the ale was making the room spin. "Hither," Dorian said softly, picking up the tankard and helping the elf to drink it. "Ahh" Lavellan sighed while he laid his head back downward. "Dorian?" "Aye, Lavellan?" "Can you stay?" The elf said information technology while his optics were closed, he didn't encounter how red the Tevinter's cheeks turned. "Stay? What would people say when they see me leaving your chambers in the forenoon?" Dorian asked, in a joking tone but hoping the reply revealed more answers. "I don't care what people say, Dorian." The elf mumbled, his eyes still closed, his voice heavy with a thirst for sleep. The mage smiled, and the elf began to snore. XXXXXXXXXXX Lavellan woke in the morning confused, sore and sick. He groaned, rubbing his head when he was startled past a deep rumble. His Dalish trained optics snapped onto the source, Dorian laid snoring on his couch. He did stay. The elf smiled and watched the man's chest rising and autumn. His face was then..elegant while he slept. His long dark eyelashes cascading down his cheeks, his mustache that curled perfectly above the ends of his lips... Those lips. They looked so soft. The elf had stolen many looks at the Tevinter, but every time he found himself studying the mage's features a little longer. He got himself inverse, before laying his Hala fur blanket over the man and quietly making his style out of his chambers. XXXXXXXXX The black-haired mage woke confused for a moment at his unfamiliar environs before the events terminal night came back to him. He looked towards the inquisitor'due south bed to see it empty. His middle sank. "Good forenoon!" Dorian jumped, looking to see the elf come around the balcony with a tray of meats and bread. He set it on the center of his bed and nimbly sat in front of the tray, facing Dorian. "I idea you might be hungry." He said, smiling at the mage. Dorian stared for a moment, before sitting up and chuckling. "Yous've brought me breakfast in bed, but you lot're the one who couldn't hold himself upright last nighttime. Shouldn't I be looking after you?" He asked, walking over and sitting beside the elf on his bed. "This does olfactory property astonishing." Lavellan grinned "I wanted to thank you lot." "For what?" "For helping me to my chambers, for staying fifty-fifty if you didn't want to." "Well, I never said I didn't want to." Dorian said, smirking. Lavellan smiled at the mage, studying his confront for a moment that felt like an eternity to Dorian. "Exercise I have something on my face up?" He asked teasingly. Lavellan smiled, one that made Dorian's tummy flutter. "No." He said, taking a bite of the bread.


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