Yeah Aha You Know What It Is

NaVi so you lot have black and xanthous

2021-05-06 xix:15

great song, very catchy

2021-05-06 19:16

good color scheme likewise

2021-05-06 xix:21

yep, aha, you know what it iiis

2021-05-06 19:22

black and yellow black and yellow blackness and yellow black and yellowish

2021-05-06 20:23

this is the reason why i love hltv

2021-05-06 20:40

thx man i counted multiple times to brand sure i got the right number of blackness and yellows

2021-05-06 20:41

then it could be pretty much any gold sticker no?

2021-05-07 fourteen:44

you know what information technology is

2021-05-07 xiv:53

Oh I didnt know that website! Cool

2021-05-06 19:39

Absurd! cheers!

2021-05-06 20:39

no with broskins y'all tin can view information technology in game on the server

2021-05-07 00:48

never been a fan of stickers on guns tbh

2021-05-06 19:15

Neither did I merely lately I've been enjoying matching stickers on clean guns a lot. For example Astralis players Atlanta Foils on an AK Redline. It genuinely looks ill.

2021-05-06 xix:18

I experience ya, sometimes the skins with artwork are better left stickerless

2021-05-06 20:12

+ane I don't want to ruin skins like The Empress and Legion of Anubis by putting a billion stickers on information technology. On the other hand, make clean skins similar Slate and Redline are merely enhanced past stickers because they don't take a lot going on by themselves.

2021-05-07 13:41

very true, 1 sticker max on those artworks on like a telescopic or an ak handle can look cool simply the 4x craft deserve the minimalist skins :)

2021-05-07 xiii:44

+1 Like, meaningful sticker placement similar a Battle Scarred Holo on an AWP Wildfire is definitely an exception. Merely yes, otherwise... I'd leave those skins vanilla.

2021-05-07 15:19

office of the reason i love the usps stainless

2021-05-07 14:44

+1 me besides! Even without stickers it looks similar something out of James Bail or Hitman.

2021-05-07 xv:twenty

The Slate is basically a blank canvass for your stickers lol.

2021-05-07 15:03

Haha true that

2021-05-07 15:18

+ane I used to have stickers on my Bloodsport, ended up scraping two/4 off, kept 1 because it fit well on the handle and the other 1 for fun.

2021-05-07 15:24

+1 that'southward money

2021-05-06 twenty:27

hi mens)) keep buying those stickers besides you lot might consider selling your hose to buy dragon lore. EZ....

2021-05-07 14:47

why slate? Only get redline if y'all take money

2021-05-06 nineteen:16

slate is full black

2021-05-06 19:17

to me the slate is pretty ugly

2021-05-06 19:18

play on high shaders

2021-05-06 19:18

i play on high settings already

2021-05-06 19:19

nevertheless don't similar slate ?? Hello ? I phone call gaben now.

2021-05-06 nineteen:xx

shit i gotta change steam id

2021-05-06 nineteen:xx

redline is just slate but better imo

2021-05-06 19:18

u mean slate is but redline simply better lol

2021-05-06 nineteen:24

I arent call up that

2021-05-06 19:26

okay sorry then

2021-05-06 xix:27

I are call back that

2021-05-06 xx:08

If you want to put stickers with colours clashing with red the slate it better, perchance it's not the better gun but it'due south defo more versatile

2021-05-06 twenty:11

Navi stickers must expect amazing on this skin !

2021-05-06 19:18

+1 and my ruski mm teammates would give respect

2021-05-06 xix:32

trust me, respect from your ruski teammates is always important

2021-05-06 19:33

true peculiarly for finnish people like me... 1 of them might be hereafter putin replacement and if he remembers a bad finn from mm he will nuke united states of america

2021-05-06 20:00

wtf i didn't know finland and russian federation were enemies !

2021-05-06 20:01

we arent! but nosotros need to proceed it like this thats all

2021-05-06 20:02

oh makes sense !

2021-05-06 20:05

None, I'm matching this ak with my bowie night and deagle nighttime.

2021-05-06 19:19

deagle night <three. such a clean skin. very underrated

2021-05-06 19:25

But nighttime skins arent blackness ?

2021-05-07 14:57

Meh, shut enough

2021-05-07 15:37

4 times Mr. Chief holo

2021-05-06 xix:19

Evil geniusies

2021-05-06 19:24

4 NBK Berlin golds

2021-05-06 19:24

I time I would like to have one - clean, no stickers.

2021-05-06 19:26

NaVi holos 🤩😍

2021-05-06 19:31

Literally any arts and crafts works for the slate. The best arts and crafts is purely opinion, unless you keep price and then it'd probably be Low float ST FN + 4x Titan/iBP Holos (I forget which is more than expensive atm)

2021-05-06 19:31

kato 14 ibp always best))

2021-05-06 nineteen:33

tyloo gold))))

2021-05-06 19:35

g2 pgl Cracow

2021-05-06 xix:46

g2 atlanta 17 foils hmmmmm

2021-05-07 14:45

pgl are cheap

2021-05-08 14:27 has some good extra that allows you to try stickers on gun))))

2021-05-06 20:06

the lighting and colour on the csmoney 3d peel viewer tin can sometimes look weird tho, imo nix beats checking it in game on the broskins server (even if they got the brightest sun known to man)

2021-05-06 twenty:fifteen

COL shuod look good i recollect or big

2021-05-06 20:x

New squad Spirit foils would look SICK AF

2021-05-06 xx:thirteen

furia kato 19 holos

2021-05-06 20:17

Nice shot and SK/furia/large stickers :)

2021-05-06 xx:23

i crafted 4x ibp holo, very cool imo.

2021-05-06 20:23

yes very cool for my bank business relationship

2021-05-06 20:31

already solved. device sticker. but thx

2021-05-06 20:41

2x Gilt ChrisJ sticker 2x Semphis sticker edit: nvm Semphis doesn't have stickers

2021-05-07 00:50

any rmr golds

2021-05-07 00:50

any x4 holo (for case lambda)

2021-05-07 00:54

One Golden Spirit and three foil/normal Spirit rmr Or One Gold fúria and iii holo fúria (Katowice ir expect side by side major)

2021-05-07 01:04

Depends, but i approximate yellow or white stickers? Gold also works of form.

2021-05-07 13:44

battlescarred holo

2021-05-07 thirteen:45

To exist honest, all Gold stickers will await sick on that AK now...

2021-05-07 13:51

Mens)) Heroic stickers are the best, ruddy looks adept on that lustrous black of it. also they are cheap stickers :)

2021-05-07 14:49

i have stocked up lots or rmr heroic paper stickers....hope iit rises in price one time the auction is gone !

2021-05-07 15:31

eg or furia RMR stickers. black and white

2021-05-07 xiv:49

EG looks shit

2021-05-07 15:xl

G2 Atlanta sticker imo

2021-05-07 xv:09

I saw it with 4x nip gold and vicious in beloved with that combo, but it could be any gilded I guess...

2021-05-07 fifteen:27

Big , Furia , tyloo , NaVi all 4x golds wait fantastic !

2021-05-07 15:31

It'south a blank skin so I believe "fatter" stickers would look well on information technology (for example Atlanta instead of Boston). Red combo: - IBP, of course - London 2018/Atlanta 2017 Foil Mousesports (any combo of team and player stickers) I like mousesports' cherry-red the nearly cuz I think it just pops improve than any other reddish team in my stance. But Faze/Astralis/Tyloo/Avangar/HellRaisers are choices too so you lot got plenty. Yellow conbo: - Crown, of class - whatsoever gold sticker past selection tbh - Berlin 2019/London 2018/Atlanta 2017 Foil NAVI Orange philharmonic: - 2020 RMR/Atlanta 2017 Foil Fnatic White/silverish philharmonic: - Atlanta 2017 Foil G2 Dark-green combo: - you guessed it, Atlanta 2017 Foil Flipsid3 Tactics

2021-05-08 05:44

Eternal Fire








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