How Do You Know if Your Dog Has Bone Cancer

Vets performing xray for bone cancer on dog in veterinary surgery

(Moving-picture show Credit: Getty Images)

Os cancer in dogs, too known equally osteosarcoma, is a condition that results in an abnormal, malignant growth of immature bone cells. It's an extremely deadly and ambitious grade of cancer that tin easily metastasize, meaning it can spread to other parts of the body, especially the lungs.

Usually bone cancer in dogs starts as uncontrolled growth in the bones of the legs, though it tin can develop elsewhere. This tin can cause limping and pain, and if the affliction spreads, information technology can cause wellness issues similar respiratory distress and other bug with bodily functions.

Bone cancer is oft fatal in dogs, though surgical removal of affected bone is sometimes possible and tin can salvage dogs' lives. If you run across the signs of bone cancer in your dog, consult your veterinarian right away so they can give a proper diagnosis and recommend treatment options.

Here is what you should know about os cancer in dogs.

Symptoms Of Bone Cancer In Dogs

A jung limping maremma sheepdog trying to walk with 3 legs on a ground made of stones

(Picture Credit: Getty Images)

Symptoms of bone cancer in dogs can announced subtly, specially in the early stages of the disease.

Usually, osteosarcoma develops in the long bones of the front end legs, though the rear legs, jaw, face basic, ribs, and vertebrae tin can all be afflicted, as well. Symptoms may vary depending on which basic are affected.

If yous encounter the following signs of bone cancer, take your dog checked out by a veterinary as shortly as possible:

  • Lameness or limping
  • Signs of pain, oftentimes severe
  • Weakness
  • Lethargy
  • Swelling, usually on the legs, but tin be on the ribs or spine
  • Broken basic most the site of the tumor
  • Swollen jaws
  • Difficulty eating
  • Loss of appetite
  • Signs of pain when opening the mouth
  • Nasal discharge
  • Respiratory distress

Causes Of Bone Cancer In Dogs

Sad injured dog with wrapped leg lying on veterinary table

(Moving picture Credit: Getty Images)

The causes of os cancer in dogs are not well understood, though there are some hazard factors that correlate to the development of the disease.

Males tend to have bone cancer more oft, as practise dogs who are spayed or neutered before turning 1 year old.

Large dog breeds tend to develop bone cancer more often, and in that location is some evidence to suggest that dogs who have suffered broken bones, had orthopedic implants surgically placed, or suffer from other os disorders may exist more at risk for bone cancer.

Treatments For Bone Cancer In Dogs

"cute little dog with just three legs, lost her leg in an car accident, although fast as hell... shallow depth of field."

(Flick Credit: Getty Images)

Treatment for bone cancer in dogs can vary depending on which bones are affected.

If the cancer develops in the legs, equally it does in most cases, the usual course of handling is amputation. Fortunately, nearly dogs tin withal alive a normal life after this and are mostly unaffected past having only three legs.

There are new veterinary techniques that involve removing but the malignant parts of the leg while sparing the rest of it, though there are some complications you should ask your vet about.

Vets often use chemotherapy and radiation therapy in addition to surgery, but merely if they tin remove the primary tumor.

Because bone cancer is and so ambitious and easily metastasizes, it almost always spreads elsewhere, and usually to the lungs. If that is the case, additional treatment will be required.

Corticosteroids, NSAIDs, and anti-inflammatory drugs tin provide some relief from pain and amend condolement. This is likewise an option for dogs who are not eligible for surgery.

Prognosis For Bone Cancer In Dogs

The prognosis for bone cancer in dogs depends on several factors. If information technology's treated before it spreads, the chances of survival are better than if the cancer moves to the lungs, lymph nodes, or some other office of the trunk.

Left untreated, the status is nigh certainly fatal. If your dog has bone cancer, your vet tin provide you with a more individualized prognosis and treatment plan.

New procedures are e'er in development that may be less invasive and improve with time and enquiry. You should ask your vet most these if they diagnose your canis familiaris with os cancer.

Some dogs cannot have the affected os removed if information technology is nearly a vital organ or avenue. For them, surgery is not an option, and the prognosis is not very proficient.

Many dogs who successfully go through handling live for another year, and some alive for another five to six years. However, bone cancer is often fatal, even with surgery and therapy, and many pet parents make up one's mind not to pursue handling.

Bone cancer is a painful condition, and many domestic dog parents choose euthanasia rather than letting their beloved dogs continue to suffer. If your dog has bone cancer, it will be up to you and your vet to make up one's mind what is the about advisable form of action.

New procedures and therapies are always on the horizon, and then by the fourth dimension you read this, there may already be better alternatives than those described here. Talk over these with your vet.

Practice you lot keep upwardly with vet visits to discover medical issues like cancer early? Have you ever had a dog who suffered from bone cancer? Let u.s. know in the comments below.


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