what does it feel like to be stoned


Cannabis is its formal proper noun, but maybe y'all know information technology as 'Weed' or 'Pot'. To be honest, it's probably the virtually mutual drug on the streets. We're not denying that the stuff tin can go yous totally relaxed, and is actually pretty beneficial in a number of medical situations but discussion around information technology can get pretty complicated. From dissimilar ways to accept information technology to the potential side-effects, nosotros're hither to answer the historic period one-time question 'What's the deal with dope?'

A young, blonde man is sitting at a desk on his laptop. He is looking up Cannabis. This is a wide-angle image.

What is cannabis?

Cannabis is a found containing the drug THC – The High Content. We're simply kidding, it actually stands for Tetrahydrocannabinol, but The High Content is easier to pronounce. Basically, if the weed has a high level of THC, you can look to get really stoned. It's also important to annotation that THC is one of the about detectable chemicals on drug tests , so don't get stoned right earlier work.

It comes in 3 dissimilar forms: Grass, marijuana or weed : the stale leaves and flowers of the plant, Hash or solid : a sticky brown resin that's scraped off cannabis buds and moulded into a block, and Cannabis oil : a thick liquid made from either hash or grass.

A couple of disclaimers

It's important to notation that cannabis isn't just for stoners – it tin truly help people. Weed is often used for people with long-term conditions such every bit Multiple Sclerosis and chronic pain every bit it tin help ease pain and relax the muscles. As a upshot, information technology can greatly amend their quality of life. This is why weed users and some others argue for the legalisation of weed. A lot of healthy people don't even apply the actual stuff, just products infused with cannabidoil (CBD) which is a compound found in cannabis.

There's also a distinct difference between this type of weed (known as medicinal weed) and the stuff y'all get on the streets. Since you accept to take a prescription to get ahold of medical marijuana, it's a lot more reliable than the weed you purchase for a rave. The latter can be laced with all types of nasties, especially because y'all don't know exactly what the dealers done to grow it; Nosotros'd wager a guess that medicinal weed is just a tadmore regulated in its growing conditions. Just something to go along in heed when you picture someone taking medicinal weed.

Why are drugs laced with other substances?

Information technology's quite a common practise for people selling drugs to lace them with other substances. This is because it helps them to salve some of their drugs to make them last longer or go further, which means they can sell more and also create different 'highs'. Stronger or different highs will then likewise encourage the user to go back for more. Anyone selling substances could potentially do this, then if you lot are prescribed weed then information technology's nearly definitely safer than the weed you might buy from a drug dealer.

How do yous take cannabis?

Cannabis can exist taken in a bunch of different means:

  • Rolled upward with tobacco and smoked as a articulation
  • You can smoke marijuana using a bong
  • Smoked using a pipage
  • Using a vapouriser
  • Eaten, unremarkably in cakes and brownies, or stirred into yoghurt
  • Inhaled in a room filled with cannabis smoke a.k.a a 'hotbox'

What are the furnishings of getting high?

How cannabis affects you lot is extremely variable; it depends on how much you take and if you've taken it earlier. Nosotros can't say for certain what you'll go through but if yous're wondering 'What does weed feel similar' , here's what it feels similar to exist high:

  • Feeling chilled out and relaxed, i.e. stoned
  • Finding EVERYTHING hilarious
  • Being very chatty
  • Having deep theories well-nigh life and the universe and seeing hidden meanings in everything, including kids' Telly shows
  • Condign more than aware of your senses – you'll probably start rubbing cushions cos they're oh so soft , don't say nosotros didn't warn y'all
  • Feeling like time has slowed down . Kinda similar yous're back in GCSE physics
  • An overpowering want to consume everything in sight (AKA the munchies)

Are at that place any bad side effects?

Curt-term furnishings of weed

  • Coughing – if y'all're smoking information technology
  • Losing your curt-term memory
  • Headaches
  • Feeling dizzy and dislocated
  • Low blood pressure, which tin can make yous feel faint
  • Clumsiness
  • Vomiting, specially if you lot mix information technology with alcohol or other drugs. For more info, see our commodity on mixing drugs
  • Temporary short-term retentiveness loss

Long-term effects of weed:

  • Smoking weed can lead to respiratory bug and, if y'all mix it with tobacco, can atomic number 82 to cancer
  • There are links between smoking cannabis and low sperm counts in men, and sometimes lower fertility in women
  • Heavy smoking damages the immune arrangement
  • Using information technology a lot can bear upon your concentration
  • It can make asthma worse
  • It can cause some long-term mental wellness issues, including feet and psychotic symptoms

Some dope questions on the trip

How long does it accept to get loftier?

If y'all smoke information technology, the effects are pretty immediate, simply if you eat it in a credibility information technology can accept one-half an hour or longer to kick in. Beware, cannabis can stay in your system for quite some time – roughly 36 hours in your bloodstream and ninety (yes, NINE-ZERO) days on your hair. This is especially true if you lot're using stronger strains, like 'white widow', then always have a good idea of what you lot're putting in your body.

At the finish of the day the time it takes for the drug to hit and for information technology to leave the body are completely dependent on the person taking it. Factors like height, historic period and metabolism come into play. So, we can never give you exact data for any of this, only approximations and a alert to take it tiresome .

What'southward the comedown like?

The day after yous'll probably feel tired and a scrap zoned out. You may take trouble remembering things, experience stiff, have dry oral fissure and red, itchy eyes. To detect out more than about coping with comedowns, click here.

What's a bad trip?

Non everyone enjoys cannabis. Instead of taking you to your happy place, information technology can make your heart race; you lot might panic, start hallucinating, or only experience crap. These effects can even terminal for a couple of days after yous've taken it.

Other common questions

What is a whitey?

Afterward reading that you may need a 2d round of saying 'What is a whitey' earlier you fully process it. A whitey is when cannabis makes you feel really faint and nauseous. Y'all get pale (hence the name), feel cold, sweat, shake, vomit and sometimes pass out.

It tin can happen because you're tired, hungry, dehydrated or yous've only smoked too much. Be sure to get immediate medical attention though. If you desire to find out more almost overdosing, click here.

Is cannabis addictive?

Cannabis itself isn't physically addictive. Nevertheless, if you smoke cannabis in a spliff stuffed with tobacco you'll soon become addicted to nicotine – but like anyone who smokes cigarettes. The feeling of being stoned also has the potential to be psychologically addictive.

If you or your friend need back up with addiction, visit our article on the topic.

Should I utilise a cigarette filter in my spliff?

Probably not. You may recollect it will brand your joint healthier because less tar gets through, but information technology stops the THC too. You'll just have to smoke a lot more than to get any outcome – and that's not good (in case you needed any clarification) . Employ a folded cardboard roach instead.

Does cannabis cause schizophrenia?

Cannabis doesn't crusade schizophrenia straight, and most people won't feel any mental health problems because of dope. But, if yous're predisposed to schizophrenia, taking cannabis can increase your chances of developing information technology. At that place's no exact way of telling who's likely to become schizophrenia, but you should exist ultra-careful most using cannabis if:

  • Someone in your family has had schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder
  • You've had schizophrenia before, as cannabis can cause a relapse. It's also worth mentioning that the risks are higher if you used cannabis a lot in your teens.

How can I reduce the risks if I take cannabis?

Cannabis is often seen as natural and 'rubber', but, as with whatsoever substance , there are DEFINITELY risks. With cannabis you need to be specially careful with your lungs:

  • Put every bit piddling tobacco in your spliff every bit possible.
  • Don't hold the smoke in – especially if yous're mixing it with tobacco. It just deposits more tar in your lungs.
  • Don't drive when you're loftier , or on any substance actually.
  • If you lot're using a pipe or a bong , for the dearest of God, continue it make clean.
  • If you're eating cannabis remember it takes longer to work than smoking it. Getting impatient and having as well much 'll just hateful you pull a whitey.

What if I become caught taking cannabis?

Cannabis is a class B drug, so if the constabulary catch you with weed they have three options:

  1. Give yous a cannabis warning – the police will continue a tape of the fact you lot were defenseless with cannabis, only it won't go along your criminal record.
  2. Upshot a Penalty Notice for Disorder (PND) they can fine you £eighty on the spot if yous've already had a cannabis alarm. If y'all pay it inside the next 21 days you won't become a criminal record.
  3. Abort you – if you've already had a cannabis warning and a PND, the constabulary will take you to the station, where yous could either become some other cannabis alert or PND, a caution (which volition go on your criminal tape), or be charged with possession.

Y'all can become a maximum of 5 years in prison and a fine for possession. If yous're caught supplying, making, or growing cannabis, yous're looking at up to 14 years in prison house. To observe out more well-nigh drugs and the law, click hither.  You can as well utilise services such as FRANK to get informed, or fifty-fifty if y'all want to conversation about legal issues.


Source: https://www.themix.org.uk/crime-and-safety/cannabis-9963.html

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